2002 | Further studies on the effects of new macrolides on in vivo experimental models of acute lung injury ZAMBON . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2002 | Study of long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonists in guinea pig isolated trachea in vitro. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2002 | Effects of selective antagonists of leukotriene receptors (new and reference compounds) on contractions of human airway and human pulmonary artery and vein in vitro. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2002 | Effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on mucin gene expression and other functional outputs of human cultured bronchial epithelial cells ZAMBON. E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
Further studies on the effects of NAC in vitro on human neutrophils obtained from healthy nonsmokers and COPD patients ZAMBON. E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2003 |
Effects of new VLA-4 antagonists on airway hyperreactivity in in vivo experimental model of asma. LABORATORIOS URIACH S.A. . J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo. |
2003 |
Effects of roflumilast, a potent and selective PDE4 inhibitor on various fubctional outputs in in vitro and in vivo models relevant to COPD. ALTANA PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo |
2004 |
Effects of roflumilast, a potent and selective PDE4 inhibitor on various fubctional outputs in in vitro and in vivo models relevant to COPD II (ampliación) . ALTANA PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo |
2004 | Duration of action of longacting B2-adrenoceptor agonists in human isolated bronchus and realated studies. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2004 |
Effects of new compound on airway hyperreactivity and inflamtion markers in an in vivo experimental model of asma. LABORATORIOS URIACH S.A. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo. |
2005 |
Contributions to compare effects of roflumilast or its active metabolite roflumilast-N-oxide with theophylline and a corticosteroid e.g. budesonede based on in Vitro studies that sholud reflect relevant aspects of COPD and asthma. ALTANA PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo |
2005 | Duration of action of longacting B2-adrenoceptor agonists in human isolated bronchus and realated studies. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA . (Adenda) E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2005 | Effects of new antioxidant compounds on lipopolysacharide-induced acute lung injury, an in vivo animal model relevant to human disease related to xidant stress
2005 |
Effects of selective PDE4 inhibitors (e. g. roflumilats) on invitro and invivo models relevant to COPD ot asma. ALTANA PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo |
2006 |
Shaping the preclinical profile of roflumilats, an investigational PDE$ inhibitor: Advance in vivo and in vitro estudies. ALTANA PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo |
2005 | Experimental study of the inhibitory effects of experimental drugs in human isolated airways. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2006 |
Effects of combining roflumilast a selective inhibitor of PDE4, and sidenafil, a selective inhibitor of PDE5, compared to roflumilast or sidenafil on their own, on bleomycin-induced lung injury in male Wistar rats.. ALTANA PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo |
2006 |
Effects of new H4 antagonists on airways hyperreactivityand inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma. LABORATORIOS URIACH S.A. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo. |
2006 | Effects of CHNG 2957 (10 mg/Kg) , a new antioxidant compounds on lipopolysacharide-induced acute lung injury, an in vivo animal model relevant to human disease related to xidant stress CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2006 | Effects of new coumpound CHG182, on bleomycin-induced pulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to human pulmonary fibrosis and COPD. CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2006 | Experimental study of the inhibitory effects of experimental drugs in human isolated airways. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2006 | Shaping the preclinical profile of roflumilats, an investigational PDE$ inhibitor: Advance in vivo and in vitro estudies. ALTANA PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo | |
2006 | Effects of new coumpound CHG182, on bleomycin-induced pulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to human pulmonary fibrosis and COPD. CHRONOGEN Inc . (Repeat experiment) J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2007 | Effects of a new h4 antogonists on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in vivo experimental model of asthma . PALAU PHARMA, S.A.
J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo |
2007 | Effects of a new h4 antogonists on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma . PALAU PHARMA, S.A.
J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo(SECOND SET OF EXPERIMENTS) |
2007 | Effects of compound chgn182 new formulation on bleomycininduced pulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to human pulmonary fibrosis. CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2007 | Effects of compound chgn212 on tgfb- induced matrix protein expression in human lung epithelial cell line a549, an in vitro animal model.CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2007 | Effects of compound chgn212 on tgfb- induced matrix protein expression in human lung epithelial cell line a549, an in vitro animal model.CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2007 | Drf-chgn182/dose-range finding for chgn182 on bleomycin-inducepulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to humanpulmonary FIBROSIS AND COPDCHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2007 | Drf2-chgn/dose-range finding for chronogen (chgn) compounds on bleomycin-inducedpulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to human pulmonary. CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2007 | Effects of a New Selective PDE4 Inhibitor on Human Isolated Bronchus. FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (USA). J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2008 | In vivo and in vitro investigations to characterize pde4 inhibitors and their interaction with pde5 inhibitors. NYCOMED GMBH
E. Morcillo, J. Cortijo. |
2008 | Dose-response effects of a new h4 antagonist on airways hyperresponsiveness and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma . PALAU PHARMA, S.A.J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2008 | Effects of new h4 antagonist on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma. PALAU PHARMA, S.A.
J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo |
2008 | Dose-response effects of a new h4 antagonist on airways hyperresponsiveness and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma .. PALAU PHARMA, S.A.J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo | |
2009 | Effects of new h4 antagonist on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma. PALAU PHARMA, S.A.
J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo |
2009 | Effects of new h4 antagonist on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma. PALAU PHARMA, S.A.
J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo |
2010 | “Effects of Roflumilast N-oxide, a PDE4 inhibitor on selected functions of polarized human bronchial epithelial cells in presence or absence of a long acting ß2-agonist (LABA), a long acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA), a glucocorticoid, a PDE5 inhibitor or a statin” NYCOMED SPAIN. J. Cortijo | |
2010 | Differential effects of roflumilast N-oxide, a potent and selective phopsphodiesterase 4 inhibitor, compared to corticosteroids on various inflammatory cell function outputs in vitro models relevant to COPD-ROF-PH-01). FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (USA). J. Cortijo, J. Milara | |
2010 | Actividad farmacológica de cuatro compuestos con actividad MABA. ALMIRALL. J. Cortijo | |
2011 | Effect of roflumilast N-oxide, a PDE4 inhibitor on selected functional of polrized human bronchial epithelium cells in presence or absence of LABA, LAMA, a glucocorticoid, a PDE5 inhibitor or a statin. NYCOMED SPAIN. J. Cortijo | |
2011 | Effect of Roflumilast on TLR signaling: Differentiation from Corticosteroid. FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (USA). J. Cortijo, J. Milara | |
2012 |
Characterization of differential effects of roflumilast N-oxide versus corticosteroids and long-acting β2-adrenergic agonist (LABA) on neutrophils from healthy and COPD patients: Mechanistic studies. FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (USA). J. Cortijo, J. Milara
Anti-inflammatory activity of long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonists (LAMA) in those situations of corticoid-resistance on in vitro models relevant to COPD. ..Laboratorios ALMIRALL. J. Cortijo & J. Milara |
2012 | Estudio in vitro de la absorcion percutanea de fluoresceina formulada en liposomas de fosfatidilcolina. Papel de estos liposomas en la modulacion farmacocinetica de la vit c por via oral en rata wistar. LABORATORIOS SESDERMA S.L. J. Cortijo & P. Almudever | |
2013 | Differential anti-inflammatory effects of aclidinium bromide versus corticosteroids and long-acting β2-adrenergic agonist (LABA) on neutrophils from healthy and COPD patients: Approach to corticosteroid-resistance mechanism. Laboratorios ALMIRALL. J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2013 | Test de irritacion ocular para productos cosmeticos. RNB S.L. .
J. Cortijo & A. Serrano |
2013 | Analysis of the additive/synergistic anti-inflammatory effects of combinations of dual MABA compounds and corticosteroids on neutrophils from healthy and COPD patients. Laboratorios ALMIRALL. J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2014 | “Effects of PDE4 inhibitors (e.g. Roflumilast N-oxide) on in vitro models related to pulmonary fibrosis and severe COPD. .Laboratorios NYCOMED TAKEDA. J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2014 | Anti-inflammatory effects of a new pde4 (cpd a ) inhibitor compared to roflumilast in the bn rat ova asthma model. Laboratorios NYCOMED TAKEDA. J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2014 | Analysis of the additive/synergistic anti-inflammatory effects of combinations of panjak, pi3ko and pi3kyo inhibitors with corticosteroids on neutrophils from healthy, severe asthma and severe copd patients. Laboratorios ALMIRALL. J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2014 | Estudio de la efectividad del dermaroler como promotor de la penetracion transfolicular. Analisis de fluorescencia en 25 biopsias de piel. Laboratorios DERMOPARTENERS S.L. J. Cortijo & P. Almudever. | |
2014 |
2015 | Cellular effects of Top-N53 and Top-N44, and analogues – an in vitro study. Laboratorios TOPADUR. J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2015 | Analysis of the inflammatory effects of pi3k inhibitors on neutrophils from healthy and severe copd patients. LABORATORIOS RHIZEN PHARMACEUTICALS S.A. . J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2015 | Differential effects of a substance with comparators pandpe4b inhibitor, selective pde4b inhibitor, selective pde4d inhibitor, roflumilast n-oxide and corticosteroids on leukocyte/endothelium interactions in an in vitro model relevant to copd. LABORATORIOS GRUNENTHAL GMBH. J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2016 |
2016 | Effects of NOX4 inhibitors on primary fibroblasts from IPF patients; an in vitrostudy
2016 | Determination of the potential of β-2 adrenergic receptor antagonists to reverse catecholamine induced dilation in human skin vessels. LABORATORIOS ALMIRALL S.A. J. Cortijo & A. Morell | |
2017 | Differential effects of selective PDE4B inhibitor, pan-PDE4 inhibitor and corticosteroids on various keratinocyte inflammatory and remodeling readouts: in vitro studies relevant to psoriasis. LABORATORIOSGRUNENTHAL GMBH. J. Cortijo & J. Milara | |
2018 2019 2020 |
2018 Concentration-dependent Effects of Vardenafil, Vl-2 and Sl-5 on Relaxation of Phenylephrine (PE) Pre-contracted Rat Aortic Rings (RAR) with Intact Endothelium or Endothelial Dysfunction Secondary to High Glucose. . Laboratorios TOPADUR. J. Cortijo & J.L. Ortiz 2 23.300+IVA 2018 Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-related (Nrf2) activators screening in human bronchial epithelial cells Beas2B in vitro and in vivo animal acute lung injury systems. LABORATORIOS ALMIRALL S.A. – ASTRA ZENECA S.A. J. Cortijo, Inés Roger. 2 60.000+iVA 2019 Concentration-dependent Effects of test items Vl-22 and Ml-19 on Phenylephrine (PE) Pre-contracted Rat Aortic Rings (RAR) with Intact Endothelium’, Laboratorios TOPADUR. J. Cortijo & J.L. Ortiz 2 16666.66 + IVA 2019 Concentration-dependent effects of the bifunctional PDES Inhibitor / Organic Nitrate Ester (PDESI/ONE) molecules TOP-N53 and PDESI/ONE’X’compared to the reference PDES Inhibitor Sildenafil on the relaxation of isolated human skin arteriales with intact endothelium or endothelial dysfunction secondary to high glucose. Laboratorios TOPADUR. J. Cortijo & J.L. Ortiz 2 35.423, 89+IVA 2020 Effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on inflammatory cell functional output in vitro model relevant to COPD. Laboratorios ZAMBON S.A. J.Cortijo & J. MIlara. 2. 22.000+IVA 2020 Effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in human lung epithelial cell line (A549) treated with SARS-COV-2 proteins (E, M,N) Laboratorios ZAMBON S.A. J.Cortijo & J. MIlara. 2. 15.400+IVA |