2002 Further studies on the effects of new macrolides on in vivo experimental models of acute lung injury ZAMBON E Morcillo, J. Cortijo
2002 Study of long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonists in guinea pig isolated trachea in vitro. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA E Morcillo, J. Cortijo
2002 Effects of selective antagonists of leukotriene receptors (new and reference compounds) on contractions of human airway and human pulmonary artery and vein in vitro. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo
2002 Effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on mucin gene expression and other functional outputs of human cultured bronchial epithelial cells ZAMBON. E Morcillo, J. Cortijo



Further studies on the effects of NAC in vitro on human neutrophils obtained from healthy nonsmokers and COPD patients ZAMBON. E Morcillo, J. Cortijo

Effects of new VLA-4 antagonists on airway hyperreactivity in in vivo experimental model of asma. LABORATORIOS URIACH S.A. . J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo.


Effects of  roflumilast, a potent and selective PDE4 inhibitor on various fubctional outputs in in vitro and in vivo models relevant to COPD.   ALTANA  PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo


Effects of  roflumilast, a potent and selective PDE4 inhibitor on various fubctional outputs in in vitro and in vivo models relevant to COPD II (ampliación) .   ALTANA  PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo

2004 Duration of action of longacting B2-adrenoceptor agonists in human isolated bronchus and realated studies. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA .  E Morcillo, J. Cortijo

Effects of new compound on  airway hyperreactivity  and inflamtion markers in an in vivo experimental model of asma. LABORATORIOS URIACH S.A. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo.


Contributions to compare effects of roflumilast or its active metabolite roflumilast-N-oxide with theophylline and  a corticosteroid e.g. budesonede based on in Vitro studies that sholud reflect relevant aspects of COPD and asthma.   ALTANA  PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo

2005 Duration of action of longacting B2-adrenoceptor agonists in human isolated bronchus and realated studies. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA .  (Adenda)  E Morcillo, J. Cortijo
2005 Effects of new antioxidant compounds on lipopolysacharide-induced acute lung injury, an in vivo animal model relevant to human disease related to xidant stress




Effects of  selective PDE4 inhibitors (e. g. roflumilats) on invitro and invivo models relevant to COPD ot asma.   ALTANA  PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo


Shaping the preclinical profile of roflumilats, an investigational PDE$ inhibitor: Advance in vivo and in vitro estudies.   ALTANA  PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo

2005 Experimental study of the inhibitory effects of experimental drugs in human isolated airways. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA .  E Morcillo, J. Cortijo

Effects of combining roflumilast a selective inhibitor of PDE4, and sidenafil, a selective inhibitor of PDE5, compared to roflumilast or sidenafil on their own, on bleomycin-induced lung injury in male Wistar rats..   ALTANA  PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo


Effects of new H4 antagonists on airways hyperreactivity

and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma. LABORATORIOS URIACH S.A. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo.

2006 Effects of  CHNG 2957 (10 mg/Kg) , a new antioxidant compounds on lipopolysacharide-induced acute lung injury, an in vivo animal model relevant to human disease related to xidant stress CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2006 Effects of new coumpound CHG182, on bleomycin-induced pulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to human pulmonary fibrosis and COPD. CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2006 Experimental study of the inhibitory effects of experimental drugs in human isolated airways. ALMIRALL PRODESFARMA .  E Morcillo, J. Cortijo
2006 Shaping the preclinical profile of roflumilats, an investigational PDE$ inhibitor: Advance in vivo and in vitro estudies. ALTANA  PHARMA AG. . E Morcillo, J. Cortijo
2006 Effects of new coumpound CHG182, on bleomycin-induced pulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to human pulmonary fibrosis and COPD. CHRONOGEN Inc . (Repeat experiment) J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2007 Effects of a new h4 antogonists on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in  vivo experimental model of asthma . PALAU PHARMA, S.A.


J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo

2007 Effects of a new h4 antogonists on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma  . PALAU PHARMA, S.A.



2007 Effects of compound chgn182 new formulation on bleomycininduced pulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to human pulmonary fibrosis.  CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2007 Effects of compound chgn212 on tgfb- induced matrix protein expression in human lung epithelial cell line a549, an in vitro animal model.CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2007 Effects of compound chgn212 on tgfb- induced matrix protein expression in human lung epithelial cell line a549, an in vitro animal model.CHRONOGEN Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2007 Drf-chgn182/dose-range finding for chgn182 on bleomycin-inducepulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to humanpulmonary FIBROSIS AND COPDCHRONOGEN Inc.  J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2007 Drf2-chgn/dose-range finding for chronogen (chgn) compounds on bleomycin-inducedpulmonary damage, an in vivo animal model relevant to human pulmonary. CHRONOGEN  Inc. J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2007 Effects of a New Selective PDE4 Inhibitor on Human Isolated Bronchus.   FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (USA). J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2008 In vivo and in vitro investigations to characterize pde4 inhibitors and their interaction with pde5 inhibitors. NYCOMED GMBH


E. Morcillo, J. Cortijo.

2008 Dose-response effects of a new h4 antagonist on airways hyperresponsiveness and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma . PALAU PHARMA, S.A.J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2008 Effects of new h4 antagonist on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma. PALAU PHARMA, S.A.


J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo

2008 Dose-response effects of a new h4 antagonist on airways hyperresponsiveness and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma .. PALAU PHARMA, S.A.J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo
2009 Effects of new h4 antagonist on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma. PALAU PHARMA, S.A.


J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo

2009 Effects of new h4 antagonist on airways hyperreactivity and inflammation markers in an in vivo experimental model of asthma. PALAU PHARMA, S.A.


J. Cortijo, E. Morcillo

2010 “Effects of Roflumilast N-oxide, a PDE4 inhibitor on selected functions of polarized human bronchial epithelial cells in presence or absence of a long acting ß2-agonist (LABA),  a long acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA), a glucocorticoid, a PDE5 inhibitor or a statin”  NYCOMED SPAIN. J. Cortijo
2010 Differential effects of roflumilast N-oxide, a potent and selective phopsphodiesterase 4 inhibitor, compared to corticosteroids on various inflammatory cell function outputs in vitro models relevant to COPD-ROF-PH-01). FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (USA). J. Cortijo,  J. Milara
2010 Actividad farmacológica de cuatro compuestos con actividad MABA. ALMIRALL.  J. Cortijo
2011 Effect of roflumilast N-oxide, a PDE4 inhibitor on selected functional of polrized human bronchial epithelium cells in presence or absence of  LABA, LAMA, a glucocorticoid, a PDE5 inhibitor or a statin. NYCOMED SPAIN. J. Cortijo
2011 Effect of Roflumilast on TLR signaling: Differentiation from Corticosteroid. FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (USA). J. Cortijo,  J. Milara





Characterization of differential effects of roflumilast N-oxide versus corticosteroids and long-acting β2-adrenergic agonist (LABA) on neutrophils from healthy and COPD patients: Mechanistic studies.  FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (USA). J. Cortijo,  J. Milara


Anti-inflammatory activity of long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonists (LAMA) in those situations of corticoid-resistance on in vitro models relevant to COPD. ..Laboratorios  ALMIRALL.  J. Cortijo  & J. Milara

2012 Estudio in vitro de la absorcion percutanea de fluoresceina formulada en liposomas de fosfatidilcolina. Papel de estos liposomas en la modulacion farmacocinetica de la vit c por via oral en rata wistar. LABORATORIOS SESDERMA S.L. J. Cortijo & P. Almudever
2013 Differential anti-inflammatory effects of aclidinium bromide versus corticosteroids and long-acting β2-adrenergic agonist (LABA) on neutrophils from healthy and COPD patients: Approach to corticosteroid-resistance mechanism. Laboratorios  ALMIRALL.  J. Cortijo & J. Milara
2013 Test de irritacion ocular para productos cosmeticos. RNB  S.L. .


J. Cortijo &  A. Serrano

2013 Analysis of the additive/synergistic anti-inflammatory effects of combinations of dual MABA compounds and corticosteroids on neutrophils from healthy and COPD patients. Laboratorios ALMIRALL.  J. Cortijo  & J. Milara
2014 “Effects of PDE4 inhibitors (e.g. Roflumilast N-oxide) on in vitro models related to pulmonary fibrosis and severe COPD. .Laboratorios NYCOMED TAKEDA.  J. Cortijo & J. Milara
2014 Anti-inflammatory effects of a new pde4 (cpd a ) inhibitor compared to roflumilast in the bn rat ova asthma model. Laboratorios NYCOMED TAKEDA.  J. Cortijo & J. Milara
2014 Analysis of the additive/synergistic anti-inflammatory effects of combinations of panjak, pi3ko and pi3kyo inhibitors with corticosteroids on neutrophils from healthy, severe asthma and severe copd patients.  Laboratorios ALMIRALL.  J. Cortijo & J. Milara
2014 Estudio de la efectividad del dermaroler como promotor de la penetracion transfolicular. Analisis de fluorescencia en 25 biopsias de piel. Laboratorios DERMOPARTENERS S.L.  J. Cortijo & P. Almudever.
Analysis of mucociliary clearance test compounds using microct-spect-tc99m albumin nanocolloids in guinea pig. Laboratorios ALMIRALL.  J. Cortijo & J. Milara
2015 Cellular effects of Top-N53 and Top-N44, and analogues – an in vitro study. Laboratorios  TOPADUR.  J. Cortijo & J. Milara
2015 Analysis of the inflammatory effects of pi3k inhibitors on neutrophils from healthy and severe copd patients. LABORATORIOS RHIZEN PHARMACEUTICALS S.A.  .  J. Cortijo & J. Milara
2015 Differential effects of a substance with comparators pandpe4b inhibitor, selective pde4b inhibitor, selective pde4d inhibitor, roflumilast n-oxide and corticosteroids on leukocyte/endothelium interactions in an in vitro model relevant to copd. LABORATORIOS GRUNENTHAL GMBH. J. Cortijo & J. Milara
Desarrollo de protocolos in vivo, in vitro y ex vivo para la Deteccion de irritantes y sensibilizantes cutáneos. LABORATORIOS MAVERICK, S.A. J. Cortijo & A. Serrano
2016 Effects of NOX4 inhibitors on primary fibroblasts from IPF patients; an in vitrostudy



2016 Determination of the potential of β-2 adrenergic receptor antagonists to reverse catecholamine induced dilation in human skin vessels. LABORATORIOS ALMIRALL S.A. J. Cortijo & A. Morell
2017 Differential effects of selective PDE4B inhibitor, pan-PDE4 inhibitor and corticosteroids on various keratinocyte inflammatory and remodeling readouts: in vitro studies relevant to psoriasis. LABORATORIOSGRUNENTHAL GMBH. J. Cortijo & J. Milara




2018     Concentration-dependent Effects of Vardenafil, Vl-2 and Sl-5 on Relaxation of Phenylephrine (PE) Pre-contracted Rat Aortic Rings (RAR) with Intact Endothelium or Endothelial Dysfunction Secondary to High Glucose. . Laboratorios  TOPADUR.  J. Cortijo & J.L. Ortiz       2          23.300+IVA

2018     Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-related (Nrf2) activators screening in human bronchial epithelial cells Beas2B in vitro and in vivo animal acute lung injury systems. LABORATORIOS ALMIRALL S.A. – ASTRA ZENECA S.A. J. Cortijo, Inés Roger.          2          60.000+iVA

2019 Concentration-dependent Effects of test items Vl-22 and Ml-19 on Phenylephrine (PE) Pre-contracted Rat Aortic Rings (RAR) with Intact Endothelium’, Laboratorios  TOPADUR.  J. Cortijo & J.L. Ortiz   2  16666.66 + IVA

2019 Concentration-dependent effects of the bifunctional PDES Inhibitor / Organic Nitrate Ester (PDESI/ONE) molecules TOP-N53 and PDESI/ONE’X’compared to the reference PDES Inhibitor Sildenafil on the relaxation of isolated human skin arteriales with intact endothelium or endothelial dysfunction secondary to high glucose. Laboratorios  TOPADUR.  J. Cortijo & J.L. Ortiz        2   35.423, 89+IVA

2020 Effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on inflammatory cell functional output in vitro  model relevant to COPD. Laboratorios ZAMBON S.A. J.Cortijo & J. MIlara. 2.  22.000+IVA

2020 Effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in human lung epithelial cell line (A549) treated with SARS-COV-2 proteins (E, M,N) Laboratorios ZAMBON S.A. J.Cortijo & J. MIlara. 2.  15.400+IVA

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